Join Us On Our Next Field Trip or Event.
Listed below are upcoming and recent field trips and events of the Rocky Mountain Naturalists.
Members welcome.
A guest must complete a waiver form and pay $2.00 per Outing.
Group sizes are limited in order to provide a quality and safe experience for everyone. Carpooling can be organized from the meeting place for those feeling comfortable. If there is space, guests are welcome to join an Outing up to twice a year.
Please let us know if you are interested.
Members welcome.
A guest must complete a waiver form and pay $2.00 per Outing.
Group sizes are limited in order to provide a quality and safe experience for everyone. Carpooling can be organized from the meeting place for those feeling comfortable. If there is space, guests are welcome to join an Outing up to twice a year.
Please let us know if you are interested.
Early Morning Birding (Daryl)
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 10:00 am
No early morning birding scheduled for February 12. Early Birding will resume on the 19th and 26th of this month.
St. Eugene Outing (Marianne)
Monday, February 17, 2025 - 1:00 pm
St. Eugene and area walk, checking for birds to add to the Great Backyard Bird Count. We will enjoy a warmer day after a couple weeks of colder daytime temperatures. We will walk along the St. Mary's River via the golf course and down to Prairie Bridge. This is an easy walk of about two hours. Dress for the weather and wear/bring your grippers. Bring binoculars.
To carpool, Cranbrook folks meet at the parking lot between Husky Truck Stop and Boston Pizza at the Tamarack Mall for a 12:45 pm departure.
To carpool, Kimberley folks meet at the back of the Marysville Arena for a 12:40 pm departure.
Everyone to meet at the St. Eugene parking area at 1:00 pm just off Mission Rd in front of the big white event tent next to the avenue of trees that leads to the front entrance of the old school.
Great Backyard Bird Count
February 14 - 17, 2025
The Great Backyard Bird Count, is a world-wide event which is easy to participate in at any birder level. Fun to do with family, friends or by yourself. Over one or more of the days, identify and count the birds in your yard, neighbourhood or where you are recreating. These observations help scientists better understand global bird populations before their annual migrations take place. Go to Great Backyard Bird Count for more information.
After entering your counts on eBird, at the end of the 4 days, send Marianne your totals in the form of a Trip Report. A Trip Report is easy to generate through eBird from all the lists that you submitted over the four days. If you need help creating a trip report, please email me. Send your totals to Marianne by Wednesday, February 19 to be eligible for a random draw of one of two $30.00 Top Crop gift certificates. The number of participants, number of total species and individuals, along with draw winners, will be announced a few days later.
On the February 15th weekend, there will be a couple of bird watching outings to several locations. Details to follow.
St. Mary's Slump Outing (Marianne)
Sunday, January 26, 2025 - 12:50 pm
Enjoy an easy 4 km walk on Conservation land to the St. Mary's River Slump located on the St. Mary's Prairie between Cranbrook and Kimberley. Lovely views, interesting hoodoo and tree formations, active bat and bluebird monitoring stations and a look at the geomorphology feature. This walk is on a well packed, flat snow trail (no slippery sections on Monday). Rated easy and will be an hour and a half long. Wear sturdy, warm boots, grippers if you feel more comfortable or bring them in your pack. Dress for the temperature (-6 to -8 predicted) and bring your binoculars. Parking at the trailhead is very limited so please carpool.
Cranbrook folk meet Marianne at the Tamarack Mall parking lot between Boston Pizza and Husky Truck Stop for a 12:50 pm departure.
Kimberley folk meet for a 1:00 pm departure at the back of the Marysville Arena. I will let you know who is coming from there. Please RSVP to Marianne.
AGM & Bi-Monthly Meeting - Manual Training Centre at Library
Sunday, January 12, 2025 - 11:00 am
AGM commences at 11:00 a.m. The Bi-Monthly Meeting will directly follow the AGM. Agendas for the meetings to be sent in early January along with the Treasurer's Report and Committee Reports.
Following the meetings, there will be a potluck luncheon & social. Please bring a shareable, plates and utensils.
Kimberley Christmas Bird Count
Saturday, January 4, 2025
There are four geographical areas in the count circle – Town Centre, Meadowbrook, Wasa / Ta Ta and Wycliffe. The map is on our website at under Christmas Bird Counts.
Once we have a list of participants, teams will be formed and final details sent out. If you are
interested in a specific quadrant and have a buddy (ies) you plan to go out with, please include
that information in your RSVP.
You do not need to be an experienced birder to join the fun and challenge. Birders are always learning and teams will include a variety of birding levels and expertise. You may decide to join for just a couple of hours. Once teams are formed, with their leader, they will decide when and where to meet to begin the count of their quadrant. Each team will submit their data as one ebird Trip Report to Dianne, our Kimberley count compiler.
After, there will be a dinner at 5:00 pm at the Marysville Pub. RSVP to Carol.
Snowshoe Outing - Sunflower Hill (Marianne/Daryl)
Wednesday, January 1, 2025 - 11:00 am
Join Daryl and Marianne on a 4 hour loop snowshoe hike through Wilks Woods, including a wiener roast at the midpoint.
Meet at the North (upper) end of Wilks Road which is a 1 kilometre spur off King Street, Cranbrook. Drive up Wilks Road, keep right at the 'Y', and take the 2nd right to the concrete barricade.
We will snowshoe up through open woods on a packed snowshoe route, utilizing game trails and dodging rough, rocky sections. 4 + kms in length with a 200m elevation gain/loss. Expect hills, a variety of ups and downs and 3 viewpoints. Snowshoes and poles are needed to navigate the considerable snow depth. Dress in layers. This is rated as a Moderate Plus Outing.
At the first viewpoint, almost at the halfway point, we will have a fire for lunch. Bring your own wieners/ smokies/ bun or whatever you want for lunch, water, tea, etc. We will supply condiments, sticks, and mulled wine and apple juice. We will be standing around in this area for lunch so bring extra clothes to keep warm and perhaps a sitting pad. After lunch, we'll continue to Whiskey Jack summit, then north over to the 3rd viewpoint overlooking the Trench, then down Sunflower Hill and across to the vehicles.
Naturalists will observe various forest types, animal signs and a few birds. We will listen and look for American 3-toed Woodpeckers and Brown Creepers. RSVP to Marianne.
Cranbrook Christmas Bird Count
Saturday, December 28, 2024
The Cranbrook Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is Saturday, December 28. There are four geographical areas in the count circle. South Cranbrook Hidden Valley-Gold Creek, North Cranbrook Mission, New Lake Old Wycliffe and Jim Smith to Moyie.
Once we have a list of participants, teams will be formed and final details sent out. If you are interested in a specific quadrant and have a buddy (ies) you plan to go out with, please include that information in your RSVP. The map is on our website at under Christmas Bird Counts.
You do not need to be an experienced birder to join the fun and challenge. Birders are always learning and teams will include a variety of birding levels and expertise. You may decide to join for just a couple of hours. Once teams are formed, with their leader, they will decide when and where to meet to begin the count of their quadrant. Each team will submit their data as one ebird Trip Report to Dianne, our Cranbrook count compiler.
There will be a potluck dinner at 5:00 pm. RSVP to Daryl.
Snowshoe Outing - Tabletop (Gretchen)
Sunday, December 8, 2024 - 1:00 pm
Snowshoe outing to Tabletop which is a small hill near Ramparts Rest Stop and provides nice views of the other hills, sloughs and forests in the area. The trail is already packed and has gradual hills with two short but steep sections. Total distance out and back is about 4 kilometers and there is 125 m of ascent. This is a moderate outing.
Meet at at the Tamarack Mall parking lot between Boston Pizza and Husky Truck Stop by 12:50 pm where carpooling can be arranged. We will leave there at 1:00 and drive to Ramparts Rest Stop where we will park and don our snowshoes. If you want to drive directly to the Rest Stop, be ready to head onto the trail by 1:15.
Dress in layers for the weather and bring water. Please bring at least one pole because of the hills. Binoculars optional; we may see birds or examine tracks in the snow. RSVP to Gretchen.
Snowshoe Outing - Sunflower Hill (Marianne)
Sunday, December 1, 2024 - 1:00 pm
Welcome in December and our wonderful snowy conditions with a snowshoe. This is an easy route, already packed with a variety of uphill, downhill and flat terrain. 2.3 km with an elevation gain of 102 metres. This is a moderate outing. Meet at 1:00 pm at the far end of Wilks Rd which is off King St. 5 kms north of Cranbrook. To carpool from Cranbrook, meet at the Tamarack Mall parking lot between Boston Pizza and Husky Truck Stop, ready to leave at 12:45 pm. Kimberley members, if you rsvp me, I will put you in touch with each other for carpooling. Dress in layers for the weather and bring water. Poles are useful. Binoculars? RSVP to Marianne.
Bi-Monthly Meeting - COTR Rm #KC152
Wednesday, November 20, 2024 - 7:00 pm
Guest Presenter: Janice Strong and Jamie Levine will present "Out of This World" - an educational and audio-visual presentation about Aurora and Comets. This will be followed by "Darkness to Light", a twelve minute slideshow of images to music.
A short business meeting will follow these presentations. Attendance at the business meeting is optional.
Elizabeth Lake Work Party (Marianne)
Thursday, October 31, 2024 - 9:00 am
Before winter really sets in, there are some jobs that need to be done at Elizabeth Lake. Several include:
brush sawing around some of the planted plots, removing landscape cloth and stakes in a couple areas, removing several signs, litter pickup and carrying some small logs a couple hundred metres.
Meet at the parking lot on the corner of 11St. S and Innes Ave. below Parkland School. Dress for the weather, bring work gloves. If you have a brush saw that you are able to use around the plots, please let me know so that I can make a plan. Gas money will be provided. RSVP would be appreciated but not necessary.
Moe's Canyon Larch Loop Outing (Betty)
Saturday, October 19, 2024 - 9:00 am
This is a moderate hike with an elevation gain of 110m over a 6 km. loop, up to 3 hours. We will walk along the base of a steep talus slope and through a stand of large old-growth larch trees in full autumn colour. Wear sturdy footwear and bring a snack. Forecast is cool and cloudy. Meet at the far end of the Kimberley Nordic Centre parking lot at 9 a.m. Cranbrook residents can carpool from the Tamarack Mall; meet at the parking area between Boston Pizza and the Husky truck stop, ready for an 8:30 am departure.
Ram Creek Warm Springs Ecological Reserve Outing (Marianne)
Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 8:00 am
The Rocky Mountain Naturalists are wardens for the Ram Creek Warm Springs Ecological Reserve. We will be leaving Cranbrook at 8:00 am and meeting any Kimberley members at the Wasa Rest Area at 8:30 am. From there it is a 30 minute drive on pavement and then 30 minutes (9 km) on a rougher Forest Service Rd. A high clearance 2 or all wheel drive vehicle is fine. I will be driving my Subaru Forester. After parking, it is an easy 1.6 km hike to the springs and then 0.7 km to check on the east entrance before returning to the parking lot. We should be back on the pavement by mid-afternoon. This is rated as a moderate outing on a clear trail with limited elevation gain. Cranbrook folk meet at the Tamarack Mall parking area between Boston Pizza and Husky Truck Stop to carpool, ready to leave at 8:00 am. Kimberley folk, I will put you in touch with each other so that you can carpool to the Wasa Rest area to meet us at 8:30 am. We will be pulling some invasive plants such as knapweed, collecting any litter, identifying plants and birds, and looking for the Blue Darner. Bring gloves for pulling weeds. Dress for the weather. Wear sturdy footwear, bring lunch, water, bear spray, camera, binoculars, gloves and if you have a spike like dandelion digger tool, it may be useful.
Bi-Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - 6:30 pm
There will be a very short business at the Prestige Hotel end of the parking area of the Cranbrook History Centre. You may want to bring a chair. We will finish just before 7:00 pm so that those wanting to attend Terry Nelson's presentation on Big Trees in the Interior of BC can do so. Terry is a Fernie resident.
NOTE: You must register for the Presentation.
RMN Summer Social
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Our summer Social is at Elizabeth Lake Lodge Mini Golf. All members and partners are welcome.
Mini Golf 3:45 - 5:00 pm. $7.50 per person. Please arrive by 3:45 so that teams can be made by pulling names from a hat. A round takes about an hour. For those not golfing, please take a walk around Elizabeth Lake or just arrive around 5:00 to visit before dinner. Potluck dinner at 5:30 pm. Please bring a dish of your choice, your own beverage, dishes and cutlery. Everyone, please park in the Confederation Park parking lot just off Wattsville Road behind the EL Lodge. Please RSVP to Marianne by Friday, August 23 so we have an idea of numbers for golf, tables and chairs.
Elizabeth Lake Turtle Bed Weeding (Theckla)
Thursday, July 25, 2024 - 8:00 am
There is a heavy bloom of knapweed happening on the edges of the turtle beds, some select spots between the beds, and along the highway beside the beds. The main focus will be knapweed, but if there are enough people, we can do some weeding on the turtle beds themselves. Meet at the Elizabeth Lake Information Center parking lot. Knapweed spreads via seeds, so the plants can either be pulled or cut. As the plants need to be disposed of properly, garbage bags will be supplied, and Theckla will take them all to the dump. Some gardening clippers will be available as well. All you need are some sturdy shoes and some gloves. If you have gardening clippers you like using or a trowel you prefer to use for weeding, feel free to bring them as well, the more the merrier. If you can help at all, it would be greatly appreciated. Let’s keep this highly invasive weed at bay, and protect the nests of turtle eggs on the beds.
Elizabeth Lake Shrub Watering (Marianne)
Thursday, July 18, 2024 - 8:00 am
There are several beds of shrubs, part of our Elizabeth Ecosystem Enhancement Project, planted in May 2022, that are in need of watering. As of this morning, there was still easily accessible water fairly close to the beds. A bucket brigade makes the job go quite fast. If you can help out this Thursday, July 18 at 8:00 am, please meet at the parking lot just off Wattsville Rd, behind the Elizabeth Lake Lodge. Wear sturdy shoes and maybe bring gloves. I think an hour would get lots of watering done. Buckets supplied.
Bi-Monthly Meeting - Wycliffe Regional Park
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 7:00 pm
Due to the heat and dry conditions, we are meeting at 7:00 pm tomorrow, Wednesday, July 17, at Wycliffe Regional Park which is located halfway between Kimberley and Cranbrook. We are working to reduce our carbon footprint so we are encouraging carpooling. Cranbrook folk meet Stewart at the Tamarack Mall between Boston Pizza and Husky Truck Stop for a 6:30 pm departure. Kimberley folk, meet Theckla at the Kimberley Curling Club for a 6:30 pm departure. As you enter the park, at the intersection of the road that goes straight and the road that goes left down the hill to the creek, there will be someone there or a sign directing you to our meeting place. Bring a chair, water and mosquito repellent.
RM Nats Annual Club Camp - Mount Fernie Provincial Park
Sunday, June 2 to Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Our guest speaker will be Terry Nelson of Fernie, author of Big Trees of the Inland temperate Rainforests of BC. He will be having his presentation on Monday, June 3 at 7:30 pm. There is also hiking, biking, canoeing, birding, potlucks and wiener roasts on the agenda.
Bluebird Box Outing (Marianne)
Saturday, June 1, 2024
I will be monitoring my Bluebird Nest box route at the Spray Irrigation site on Saturday, June 1 if you would like to join me. Meet at the Tamarack Mall between Boston Pizza and Husky Truck Stop for an 8:30 am departure. Wear sturdy shoes, dress for the weather and definitely bring your binoculars. This is an easy outing with mainly driving and a little walking. We will be back in town by 11:00 am.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 10:00 am
No early morning birding scheduled for February 12. Early Birding will resume on the 19th and 26th of this month.
St. Eugene Outing (Marianne)
Monday, February 17, 2025 - 1:00 pm
St. Eugene and area walk, checking for birds to add to the Great Backyard Bird Count. We will enjoy a warmer day after a couple weeks of colder daytime temperatures. We will walk along the St. Mary's River via the golf course and down to Prairie Bridge. This is an easy walk of about two hours. Dress for the weather and wear/bring your grippers. Bring binoculars.
To carpool, Cranbrook folks meet at the parking lot between Husky Truck Stop and Boston Pizza at the Tamarack Mall for a 12:45 pm departure.
To carpool, Kimberley folks meet at the back of the Marysville Arena for a 12:40 pm departure.
Everyone to meet at the St. Eugene parking area at 1:00 pm just off Mission Rd in front of the big white event tent next to the avenue of trees that leads to the front entrance of the old school.
Great Backyard Bird Count
February 14 - 17, 2025
The Great Backyard Bird Count, is a world-wide event which is easy to participate in at any birder level. Fun to do with family, friends or by yourself. Over one or more of the days, identify and count the birds in your yard, neighbourhood or where you are recreating. These observations help scientists better understand global bird populations before their annual migrations take place. Go to Great Backyard Bird Count for more information.
After entering your counts on eBird, at the end of the 4 days, send Marianne your totals in the form of a Trip Report. A Trip Report is easy to generate through eBird from all the lists that you submitted over the four days. If you need help creating a trip report, please email me. Send your totals to Marianne by Wednesday, February 19 to be eligible for a random draw of one of two $30.00 Top Crop gift certificates. The number of participants, number of total species and individuals, along with draw winners, will be announced a few days later.
On the February 15th weekend, there will be a couple of bird watching outings to several locations. Details to follow.
St. Mary's Slump Outing (Marianne)
Sunday, January 26, 2025 - 12:50 pm
Enjoy an easy 4 km walk on Conservation land to the St. Mary's River Slump located on the St. Mary's Prairie between Cranbrook and Kimberley. Lovely views, interesting hoodoo and tree formations, active bat and bluebird monitoring stations and a look at the geomorphology feature. This walk is on a well packed, flat snow trail (no slippery sections on Monday). Rated easy and will be an hour and a half long. Wear sturdy, warm boots, grippers if you feel more comfortable or bring them in your pack. Dress for the temperature (-6 to -8 predicted) and bring your binoculars. Parking at the trailhead is very limited so please carpool.
Cranbrook folk meet Marianne at the Tamarack Mall parking lot between Boston Pizza and Husky Truck Stop for a 12:50 pm departure.
Kimberley folk meet for a 1:00 pm departure at the back of the Marysville Arena. I will let you know who is coming from there. Please RSVP to Marianne.
AGM & Bi-Monthly Meeting - Manual Training Centre at Library
Sunday, January 12, 2025 - 11:00 am
AGM commences at 11:00 a.m. The Bi-Monthly Meeting will directly follow the AGM. Agendas for the meetings to be sent in early January along with the Treasurer's Report and Committee Reports.
Following the meetings, there will be a potluck luncheon & social. Please bring a shareable, plates and utensils.
Kimberley Christmas Bird Count
Saturday, January 4, 2025
There are four geographical areas in the count circle – Town Centre, Meadowbrook, Wasa / Ta Ta and Wycliffe. The map is on our website at under Christmas Bird Counts.
Once we have a list of participants, teams will be formed and final details sent out. If you are
interested in a specific quadrant and have a buddy (ies) you plan to go out with, please include
that information in your RSVP.
You do not need to be an experienced birder to join the fun and challenge. Birders are always learning and teams will include a variety of birding levels and expertise. You may decide to join for just a couple of hours. Once teams are formed, with their leader, they will decide when and where to meet to begin the count of their quadrant. Each team will submit their data as one ebird Trip Report to Dianne, our Kimberley count compiler.
After, there will be a dinner at 5:00 pm at the Marysville Pub. RSVP to Carol.
Snowshoe Outing - Sunflower Hill (Marianne/Daryl)
Wednesday, January 1, 2025 - 11:00 am
Join Daryl and Marianne on a 4 hour loop snowshoe hike through Wilks Woods, including a wiener roast at the midpoint.
Meet at the North (upper) end of Wilks Road which is a 1 kilometre spur off King Street, Cranbrook. Drive up Wilks Road, keep right at the 'Y', and take the 2nd right to the concrete barricade.
We will snowshoe up through open woods on a packed snowshoe route, utilizing game trails and dodging rough, rocky sections. 4 + kms in length with a 200m elevation gain/loss. Expect hills, a variety of ups and downs and 3 viewpoints. Snowshoes and poles are needed to navigate the considerable snow depth. Dress in layers. This is rated as a Moderate Plus Outing.
At the first viewpoint, almost at the halfway point, we will have a fire for lunch. Bring your own wieners/ smokies/ bun or whatever you want for lunch, water, tea, etc. We will supply condiments, sticks, and mulled wine and apple juice. We will be standing around in this area for lunch so bring extra clothes to keep warm and perhaps a sitting pad. After lunch, we'll continue to Whiskey Jack summit, then north over to the 3rd viewpoint overlooking the Trench, then down Sunflower Hill and across to the vehicles.
Naturalists will observe various forest types, animal signs and a few birds. We will listen and look for American 3-toed Woodpeckers and Brown Creepers. RSVP to Marianne.
Cranbrook Christmas Bird Count
Saturday, December 28, 2024
The Cranbrook Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is Saturday, December 28. There are four geographical areas in the count circle. South Cranbrook Hidden Valley-Gold Creek, North Cranbrook Mission, New Lake Old Wycliffe and Jim Smith to Moyie.
Once we have a list of participants, teams will be formed and final details sent out. If you are interested in a specific quadrant and have a buddy (ies) you plan to go out with, please include that information in your RSVP. The map is on our website at under Christmas Bird Counts.
You do not need to be an experienced birder to join the fun and challenge. Birders are always learning and teams will include a variety of birding levels and expertise. You may decide to join for just a couple of hours. Once teams are formed, with their leader, they will decide when and where to meet to begin the count of their quadrant. Each team will submit their data as one ebird Trip Report to Dianne, our Cranbrook count compiler.
There will be a potluck dinner at 5:00 pm. RSVP to Daryl.
Snowshoe Outing - Tabletop (Gretchen)
Sunday, December 8, 2024 - 1:00 pm
Snowshoe outing to Tabletop which is a small hill near Ramparts Rest Stop and provides nice views of the other hills, sloughs and forests in the area. The trail is already packed and has gradual hills with two short but steep sections. Total distance out and back is about 4 kilometers and there is 125 m of ascent. This is a moderate outing.
Meet at at the Tamarack Mall parking lot between Boston Pizza and Husky Truck Stop by 12:50 pm where carpooling can be arranged. We will leave there at 1:00 and drive to Ramparts Rest Stop where we will park and don our snowshoes. If you want to drive directly to the Rest Stop, be ready to head onto the trail by 1:15.
Dress in layers for the weather and bring water. Please bring at least one pole because of the hills. Binoculars optional; we may see birds or examine tracks in the snow. RSVP to Gretchen.
Snowshoe Outing - Sunflower Hill (Marianne)
Sunday, December 1, 2024 - 1:00 pm
Welcome in December and our wonderful snowy conditions with a snowshoe. This is an easy route, already packed with a variety of uphill, downhill and flat terrain. 2.3 km with an elevation gain of 102 metres. This is a moderate outing. Meet at 1:00 pm at the far end of Wilks Rd which is off King St. 5 kms north of Cranbrook. To carpool from Cranbrook, meet at the Tamarack Mall parking lot between Boston Pizza and Husky Truck Stop, ready to leave at 12:45 pm. Kimberley members, if you rsvp me, I will put you in touch with each other for carpooling. Dress in layers for the weather and bring water. Poles are useful. Binoculars? RSVP to Marianne.
Bi-Monthly Meeting - COTR Rm #KC152
Wednesday, November 20, 2024 - 7:00 pm
Guest Presenter: Janice Strong and Jamie Levine will present "Out of This World" - an educational and audio-visual presentation about Aurora and Comets. This will be followed by "Darkness to Light", a twelve minute slideshow of images to music.
A short business meeting will follow these presentations. Attendance at the business meeting is optional.
Elizabeth Lake Work Party (Marianne)
Thursday, October 31, 2024 - 9:00 am
Before winter really sets in, there are some jobs that need to be done at Elizabeth Lake. Several include:
brush sawing around some of the planted plots, removing landscape cloth and stakes in a couple areas, removing several signs, litter pickup and carrying some small logs a couple hundred metres.
Meet at the parking lot on the corner of 11St. S and Innes Ave. below Parkland School. Dress for the weather, bring work gloves. If you have a brush saw that you are able to use around the plots, please let me know so that I can make a plan. Gas money will be provided. RSVP would be appreciated but not necessary.
Moe's Canyon Larch Loop Outing (Betty)
Saturday, October 19, 2024 - 9:00 am
This is a moderate hike with an elevation gain of 110m over a 6 km. loop, up to 3 hours. We will walk along the base of a steep talus slope and through a stand of large old-growth larch trees in full autumn colour. Wear sturdy footwear and bring a snack. Forecast is cool and cloudy. Meet at the far end of the Kimberley Nordic Centre parking lot at 9 a.m. Cranbrook residents can carpool from the Tamarack Mall; meet at the parking area between Boston Pizza and the Husky truck stop, ready for an 8:30 am departure.
Ram Creek Warm Springs Ecological Reserve Outing (Marianne)
Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 8:00 am
The Rocky Mountain Naturalists are wardens for the Ram Creek Warm Springs Ecological Reserve. We will be leaving Cranbrook at 8:00 am and meeting any Kimberley members at the Wasa Rest Area at 8:30 am. From there it is a 30 minute drive on pavement and then 30 minutes (9 km) on a rougher Forest Service Rd. A high clearance 2 or all wheel drive vehicle is fine. I will be driving my Subaru Forester. After parking, it is an easy 1.6 km hike to the springs and then 0.7 km to check on the east entrance before returning to the parking lot. We should be back on the pavement by mid-afternoon. This is rated as a moderate outing on a clear trail with limited elevation gain. Cranbrook folk meet at the Tamarack Mall parking area between Boston Pizza and Husky Truck Stop to carpool, ready to leave at 8:00 am. Kimberley folk, I will put you in touch with each other so that you can carpool to the Wasa Rest area to meet us at 8:30 am. We will be pulling some invasive plants such as knapweed, collecting any litter, identifying plants and birds, and looking for the Blue Darner. Bring gloves for pulling weeds. Dress for the weather. Wear sturdy footwear, bring lunch, water, bear spray, camera, binoculars, gloves and if you have a spike like dandelion digger tool, it may be useful.
Bi-Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - 6:30 pm
There will be a very short business at the Prestige Hotel end of the parking area of the Cranbrook History Centre. You may want to bring a chair. We will finish just before 7:00 pm so that those wanting to attend Terry Nelson's presentation on Big Trees in the Interior of BC can do so. Terry is a Fernie resident.
NOTE: You must register for the Presentation.
RMN Summer Social
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Our summer Social is at Elizabeth Lake Lodge Mini Golf. All members and partners are welcome.
Mini Golf 3:45 - 5:00 pm. $7.50 per person. Please arrive by 3:45 so that teams can be made by pulling names from a hat. A round takes about an hour. For those not golfing, please take a walk around Elizabeth Lake or just arrive around 5:00 to visit before dinner. Potluck dinner at 5:30 pm. Please bring a dish of your choice, your own beverage, dishes and cutlery. Everyone, please park in the Confederation Park parking lot just off Wattsville Road behind the EL Lodge. Please RSVP to Marianne by Friday, August 23 so we have an idea of numbers for golf, tables and chairs.
Elizabeth Lake Turtle Bed Weeding (Theckla)
Thursday, July 25, 2024 - 8:00 am
There is a heavy bloom of knapweed happening on the edges of the turtle beds, some select spots between the beds, and along the highway beside the beds. The main focus will be knapweed, but if there are enough people, we can do some weeding on the turtle beds themselves. Meet at the Elizabeth Lake Information Center parking lot. Knapweed spreads via seeds, so the plants can either be pulled or cut. As the plants need to be disposed of properly, garbage bags will be supplied, and Theckla will take them all to the dump. Some gardening clippers will be available as well. All you need are some sturdy shoes and some gloves. If you have gardening clippers you like using or a trowel you prefer to use for weeding, feel free to bring them as well, the more the merrier. If you can help at all, it would be greatly appreciated. Let’s keep this highly invasive weed at bay, and protect the nests of turtle eggs on the beds.
Elizabeth Lake Shrub Watering (Marianne)
Thursday, July 18, 2024 - 8:00 am
There are several beds of shrubs, part of our Elizabeth Ecosystem Enhancement Project, planted in May 2022, that are in need of watering. As of this morning, there was still easily accessible water fairly close to the beds. A bucket brigade makes the job go quite fast. If you can help out this Thursday, July 18 at 8:00 am, please meet at the parking lot just off Wattsville Rd, behind the Elizabeth Lake Lodge. Wear sturdy shoes and maybe bring gloves. I think an hour would get lots of watering done. Buckets supplied.
Bi-Monthly Meeting - Wycliffe Regional Park
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 7:00 pm
Due to the heat and dry conditions, we are meeting at 7:00 pm tomorrow, Wednesday, July 17, at Wycliffe Regional Park which is located halfway between Kimberley and Cranbrook. We are working to reduce our carbon footprint so we are encouraging carpooling. Cranbrook folk meet Stewart at the Tamarack Mall between Boston Pizza and Husky Truck Stop for a 6:30 pm departure. Kimberley folk, meet Theckla at the Kimberley Curling Club for a 6:30 pm departure. As you enter the park, at the intersection of the road that goes straight and the road that goes left down the hill to the creek, there will be someone there or a sign directing you to our meeting place. Bring a chair, water and mosquito repellent.
RM Nats Annual Club Camp - Mount Fernie Provincial Park
Sunday, June 2 to Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Our guest speaker will be Terry Nelson of Fernie, author of Big Trees of the Inland temperate Rainforests of BC. He will be having his presentation on Monday, June 3 at 7:30 pm. There is also hiking, biking, canoeing, birding, potlucks and wiener roasts on the agenda.
Bluebird Box Outing (Marianne)
Saturday, June 1, 2024
I will be monitoring my Bluebird Nest box route at the Spray Irrigation site on Saturday, June 1 if you would like to join me. Meet at the Tamarack Mall between Boston Pizza and Husky Truck Stop for an 8:30 am departure. Wear sturdy shoes, dress for the weather and definitely bring your binoculars. This is an easy outing with mainly driving and a little walking. We will be back in town by 11:00 am.
Fill in the form below for more field trip info. [We do not share your contact info)