Bluebird nest boxes ...
- are most successful when placed on a post or pole, in an open area, about 4' to 5' high.
The Western and Mountain bluebirds in the East Kootenay prefer a slightly larger entrance hole than their Eastern neighbour - but not so large that European Starling can enter.
A roughened interior aids the birds in exiting the nest. A bluebird box should never have a perch; perches encourage House Sparrows and help predators access the box; bluebirds don't need a perch.
Other species you may attract with this nest box type include: Violet-green Swallow, Tree Swallow, Mountain or Black-capped Chickadee, and Red-breasted or White-breasted Nuthatch.
The boxes will come with a very clear "needs sheet" for your new purchase.
The Rocky Mountain Naturalists have a limited supply for sale.
Please fill in the form below to arrange purchase.
(updated 2022-11-13 by DLPC)
- are most successful when placed on a post or pole, in an open area, about 4' to 5' high.
The Western and Mountain bluebirds in the East Kootenay prefer a slightly larger entrance hole than their Eastern neighbour - but not so large that European Starling can enter.
A roughened interior aids the birds in exiting the nest. A bluebird box should never have a perch; perches encourage House Sparrows and help predators access the box; bluebirds don't need a perch.
Other species you may attract with this nest box type include: Violet-green Swallow, Tree Swallow, Mountain or Black-capped Chickadee, and Red-breasted or White-breasted Nuthatch.
The boxes will come with a very clear "needs sheet" for your new purchase.
The Rocky Mountain Naturalists have a limited supply for sale.
Please fill in the form below to arrange purchase.
(updated 2022-11-13 by DLPC)
Checklists and Nature Guides
The Rocky Mountain Naturalists (RMN), BC Nature and other member clubs have produced checklists, information handouts and other products in the hopes of enriching your naturalist experience here in British Columbia and the East Kootenay.

RMN Plant Checklist - request
RMN East Kootenay Butterfly Checklist - 2015
East Kootenay Bird Checklist 2016 - PDF
Cost: $2 from RMN member or $5 if mailed
Elizabeth Lake Birding Checklist - PDF
RMN Circle Tour of the Cranbrook - Kimberley Area
BC Nature Guide - A guide to viewing wildlife and nature in British Columbia, Canada - Link
Wildlife Viewing in the Kootenay Region - PDF
If these items are not in a .pdf format that you can download please use the contact form below to arrange delivery.
RMN East Kootenay Butterfly Checklist - 2015
East Kootenay Bird Checklist 2016 - PDF
Cost: $2 from RMN member or $5 if mailed
Elizabeth Lake Birding Checklist - PDF
RMN Circle Tour of the Cranbrook - Kimberley Area
BC Nature Guide - A guide to viewing wildlife and nature in British Columbia, Canada - Link
Wildlife Viewing in the Kootenay Region - PDF
If these items are not in a .pdf format that you can download please use the contact form below to arrange delivery.