A beautiful, sunny, warm day for everyone. This year our lowest temperature at 6AM was 3°, creeping up to 22° in the afternoon.
We enjoyed our meal and count-up at The Heid Out in Cranbrook as great bird stories fluttered about.
Four teams took part, raising $105.00 to be donated to an environmental cause in the Kootenays.
The total number of species seen by all of the teams was 144, compared to last year’s 140.
The winning team, Cooper’s Hawks, Dianne, Dean, and Joe found 119 species followed by the Craned-necked Out-of-timers with 92 species. Special note to the Pedal and Paddle team for their environmental endeavor, getting 80 species and The Tea Party for their stories of their actual bush tea party, good china and all, and having 74 species
Congratulations to everyone!
Cooper’s Hawks
Dianne, Dean and Joe
Spotted 119 species
Crane-necked Out-of-timers
Greg, Sue, Glenda and Helga
Spotted 92 species
Pedal and Paddle
Ruth, Kent, Karen, Tara, Jim and Laura
Spotted 80 species
The Tea Party
Cathy, Audrey and Andrea
Spotted 74 species
You can see more detail on our Bird & Nature Counts page HERE.